Visit Lincoln

Visit Lincoln case study

Brand assets designed to put Lincoln firmly on the map

When the team at Ruddocks won the tender to rebrand Visit Lincoln, it was an honour made all the more special by the fact that it would see us help breathe new life into our home city. And we’re proud to say it was just the beginning of a creative journey that we’re still on with Visit Lincoln today.

Visit Lincoln case study
Visit Lincoln case study
Visit Lincoln case study

The key challenges:

For a city with so much to offer its residents and visitors alike, Lincoln was simply not being recognised as a destination in the same way other cities, such as York, were. The brand needed rebuilding from the ground up, to ensure it proudly articulates everything that makes Lincoln a fantastic place to visit, live and grow.

Visit Lincoln case study
Visit Lincoln case study

The results at a glance:

  • We successfully created a new Visit Lincoln master brand.
  • The new identity was launched in front of 120 key stakeholders from the business and tourism communities, successfully elevating the city’s profile amongst key audiences.
  • Full brand guidelines were created and rolled out by our team to support brand guardianship and protect the integrity of the brand, at every touchpoint in the future.
Visit Lincoln case study
Visit Lincoln case study
Visit Lincoln case study

Helping our city to make its mark

As always, our approach to refreshing the Visit Lincoln brand was informed by insight. The new identity we crafted is the culmination of many months of market research conducted with visitors, residents and local businesses, along with deep-dive discovery sessions with the Visit Lincoln team to establish what Lincoln really meant to people.

The new brand mark we created incorporates bespoke typographical elements, including an ‘n’ that was crafted to form a gothic arch, denoting the gateway to our historic city. Further visual encapsulation of Lincoln’s heritage and history encompasses iconography that dials up the city’s close affinity with romance (hearts), history (swords), and the Royal Air Force (propeller blades).

Visit Lincoln case study
Visit Lincoln case study

Building on new brand foundations

We’ve been appointed as the lead agency on several important initiatives since developing Visit Lincoln’s master brand. These include identity creation for ‘Discovery Lincoln’ and ‘Taste Lincolnshire’ lock-ups, which – whilst they’re designed to work as independent assets – retain sufficient characteristics and memory structures to ensure cohesion across all sub-brands that sit under Visit Lincoln.

In addition, we created a number of standalone sub-brands, including branding, design and bespoke illustrations across a suite of materials developed to promote ‘The Official Lincoln Christmas Market’.

Visit Lincoln case study

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