Packaging has multiple purposes, from protection and storage through to brand awareness and sales. As a fully integrated design and print agency we get involved in a wide variety of projects and it is critical that we understand the full brief for each, none more so than for packaging.
We take the time to get to know the objective, what the contents are, who it is aimed at and where it is going. There is a big difference between our creative approach for a point of sale (POS) piece versus a box for distribution.

For most of the projects we get involved in, the main purpose is visibility, so we need to analyse where it is going to be used and what else is likely to be around it.
Think about a supermarket shelf, the packaging will often be competing with many other products so we need to find a way to make it stand out and appeal to their target shopper.
With all that in mind, the hierarchy of content is critical, so the placement of logos, text, graphical elements and imagery needs to be carefully thought out during the design phase. Legal information is often required, from nutritional values through to accreditations there are certain details that are mandatory depending on the product.

Fundamentally it needs to be fit for purpose from a practical perspective, so for this, we look at elements like size, shape, contents, storage and ease of construction as these will impact the specification and influence the production methods used. Throughout the process, we undertake multiple quality checks and physical mock-ups to ensure it works prior to production of the full quantity.

We also have the environmental impact to consider, in a time where the news is full of stories about the impact of plastic packaging we must carefully consider what materials are used. As an ISO 14001 accredited company, we are committed to continually reducing our environmental impact, we have a range of options, from using recycled and sustainably sourced paper stocks through to coming up with creative ways to make the packaging reusable.
By following our process we ensure that we deliver packaging solutions that work from a creative, production and practical point of view, so if you have an upcoming project that you would like to discuss then please do get in contact.